Home Remedies for Cold and Cough


The common cold and cough are viral infections that affect the upper respiratory system, leading to symptoms such as sneezing, runny or stuffy nose, sore throat, and coughing. These ailments are widespread and can be caused by various viruses, making them difficult to prevent entirely.

While over-the-counter medications are commonly used to manage cold and cough symptoms, home remedies offer a natural, safe, and cost-effective alternative for easing discomfort and supporting the body's immune response.

 15 Home Remedies for Cold and Cough


The common cold and cough are prevalent ailments that affect people of all ages. While pharmaceuticals can provide relief, home remedies offer natural and accessible solutions to alleviate cold and cough symptoms. This comprehensive guide explores the top 15 effective home remedies that can help manage and alleviate cold and cough symptoms, providing relief and promoting a speedy recovery.

1. Honey

Since ancient times, honey has been used for its calming and antibacterial effects. A tablespoon of honey can be added to warm water or herbal tea to soothe sore throats and stop coughing. It is also a tasty choice for kids thanks to its inherent sweetness. Due to the danger of botulism, honey should not be given to infants younger than one year of age.

Scientific basis:
Honey's antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory effects have been validated by numerous studies, supporting its efficacy in managing cold and cough symptoms.


Ginger is a potent natural treatment recognized for its ability to reduce inflammation and strengthen the immune system. Fresh ginger slices steeped in hot water to make ginger tea helps soothe a sore throat, ease congestion, and lessen coughing.

Science-backed support: 

Ginger includes bio active substances like gingerol, which have anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties. These properties may help ginger be more successful at treating cold and cough symptoms..

3. Steam Inhalation

Inhaling steam from a bowl of hot water or using a humidifier can provide immediate relief from nasal congestion, loosen mucus, and ease breathing difficulties.

Scientific basis:

Steam inhalation helps to moisturize and soothe the respiratory passages, aiding in the clearance of mucus and reducing congestion.

4. Garlic

The antibacterial qualities of garlic are well known. The immune system may be strengthened and cold symptoms may be reduced by include garlic in your diet or by ingesting a blend of honey and garlic.

Scientific foundation:
Research on the garlic ingredient allicin has shown that it possesses antibacterial and immune-boosting properties.

5. Turmeric

Curcumin, a strong anti-inflammatory and antioxidant substance, is a component of turmeric. Warm milk or water mixed with turmeric can be consumed to relieve cold symptoms and ease sore throats.

Scientific justification: 

Curcumin's anti-inflammatory and antioxidant qualities may have a role in its capacity to lessen the symptoms of a cold and boost the immune system.

6. Saltwater Gargle

Rinsing your throat with saltwater can be beneficial, for relieving a throat reducing inflammation and inhibiting the growth of harmful microorganisms in your throat.

Scientific justification: 

There is evidence supporting the idea that gargling with saltwater can mechanically clean the throat and potentially lessen both the duration and intensity of symptoms.

7. Chicken Soup

For years chicken soup has been known as a go to food for comfort when feeling unwell. It is believed to have benefits such, as alleviating congestion aiding in hydration and providing nutrients to support the recovery process.

Scientific basis:

The anti inflammatory properties of chicken soup, along, with its ability to provide hydration and essential nutrients can help ease the symptoms of a cold.

8. Eucalyptus Oil

Eucalyptus oil possesses components that can aid in the clearing of passages when utilized in steam inhalation or when added to a humidifier.

Scientific basis:

The active ingredient found in eucalyptus oil, called eucalyptol has properties that can help reduce congestion by acting as an anti inflammatory agent.

9. Lemon

Lemons contain an amount of vitamin C, which's well known for its ability to boost the immune system. Combining lemon juice, with honey and warm water can offer hydration support the system and provide relief for a throat.

Scientific basis:

Vitamin C is extremely important, for maintaining an system and taking supplements of it when you have a cold can potentially help lessen the severity and duration of symptoms.

10. Peppermint

Peppermint is known to have menthol, which's a component that can help with relieving congestion and soothing a throat. If you drink peppermint tea or inhale peppermint infused steam it may bring some relief.

Scientific basis:

Recent studies indicate that a balanced gut microbiome plays a role, in supporting immune function and the use of probiotics might aid in regulating the overall functioning of the immune system.

12. Onion

Onions have antibacterial and anti-inflammatory substances in them. Consuming raw onions or honey with onions in it may assist with congestion and coughing.

Scientific foundation: 

Studies have been done on the flavonoid quercetin, which is found in onions, to see if it has any antiviral or anti-inflammatory properties that would help with cold symptoms.

13. Fluid Intake

Staying hydrated is crucial during a cold, as it helps thin mucus, supports immune function, and prevents dehydration.

Scientific basis:

Proper hydration is essential for maintaining mucous membrane function, which is important for trapping and clearing viruses from the respiratory tract.

14. Cinnamon

Because of its antibacterial qualities, cinnamon can be added to tea or other warm drinks to ease a sore throat and lessen coughing.

Scientific support: 

Cinnamaldehyde, a bio active molecule in cinnamon, has demonstrated antibacterial activity in experiments, which may explain why it is effective at treating cold symptoms.

15. Rest and Sleep

Adequate rest and sleep are essential for recovery from any illness, including colds. Rest allows the body to focus on immune response and healing.

Scientific basis:

Sleep plays a crucial role in immune function, and sleep deprivation has been linked to impaired immune responses and increased susceptibility to infections.


While these home remedies offer potential relief from cold and cough symptoms, it's important to note that individual responses may vary. If symptoms persist or worsen, it is advisable to consult a healthcare professional. Integrating these natural remedies into your routine, along with proper hygiene and a balanced diet, can help support your body's immune system and promote overall well-being. Remember that a holistic approach to health includes not only these remedies but also regular exercise, stress management, and a healthy lifestyle.


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