10 foods to control high blood pressure

 10 Foods for Managing High Blood Pressure


Hypertension is the term used to describe a person's relatively high blood pressure. In extreme circumstances, hypertension might even cause artery damage. As the heart pumps a huge amount of blood, the heart's muscle thickens and grows larger. Hypertension does not appear suddenly; it takes time to develop.

The hectic world we live in today has given rise to numerous problems in our everyday lives. People of all generations experience blood pressure changes frequently. Primary hypertension typically has natural reasons, such as aging, genetics, etc. Contrarily, the primary artificial factors that contribute to secondary hypertension include excessive alcohol use, obesity, bad lifestyle choices, drug use, pre-existing kidney problems, etc.

Hypertension can cause blurry vision, lethargy, headaches, and other symptoms. If a person experiences these symptoms, it is advised that they speak with a doctor and take the appropriate action to treat their hypertension.

There are various strategies to treat high blood pressure, the majority of them are natural and don't call for advanced training. Patients with hypertension can benefit from exercise and adding physical activities like running to their routine. Alcohol readily raises blood pressure, therefore patients may benefit from avoiding it altogether or decreasing their use. Today's generation needs to limit their junk food intake because it is one of the main causes of hypertension. It's essential to manage high blood pressure by eating meals that lower it.

A good diet can assist to prevent diseases like hypertension. Diet plays a significant part in daily life. One of the well-known methods for reducing hypertension is the DASH diet. The DASH diet consists of fruits, vegetables, lean meat, whole grains, and low-fat milk. The DASH diet meets standards for calcium, magnesium, and protein intake. Desserts, sweetened and fizzy beverages, bad fats, processed poultry, etc. are all ignored. Patients with hypertension must include foods for high blood pressure in their daily diets to effectively manage their disease.

22 Foods for High Blood Pressure

1. Bananas

The ideal food for people with high blood pressure is bananas. The potassium content of bananas is well recognized. This element can lessen the negative effects of salt and relax the blood vessel walls. Usually, a medium-sized banana has 422 mg of potassium in it. Despite the fact that this makes bananas one of the best meals for high blood pressure, people with kidney illness should exercise caution while consuming more potassium. A doctor must be consulted first since high potassium levels can be harmful for people with kidney issues.


Anthocyanins, a subclass of flavonoids, are antioxidant substances found in blueberries and strawberries. In an older investigation, the researchers looked at data from 34,000 hypertensive individuals during a 14-year period. According to the study, those who ingested the most anthocyanins, especially from strawberries and blueberries, had a roughly 8% lower risk of high blood pressure. Because of this, berries are a fantastic choice when thinking about foods for high blood pressure.


A 2020 study found that cinnamon can lower blood pressure. The scientists found that including 2 g of cinnamon in the diet every day for eight weeks reduced blood pressure in people with a BMI of 30 or higher.


When contemplating foods for high blood pressure, beets are a great option. Strong vasodilators include nitric oxide. Nitric oxides are produced in the body from the nitrates found in beets when they are digested.

A 2015 study indicated that after 4 weeks of daily consumption of around 1 cup of red beet juice, patients with hypertension had decreased blood pressure. The researchers also noted a 7.7/5.2 mm Hg average drop in blood pressure over a 24-hour period.

5.Citrus fruits

Citrus fruits are the best fruits for high blood pressure. Hesperidin present in citrus fruits can benefit heart health. A study conducted in 2021 found that when 159 people consumed 500 ml of hesperidin-enriched orange juice daily for 12 weeks, their systolic blood pressure reduced and that hesperidin contributed to this effect. This makes citrus fruits one of the essential foods for high blood pressure. Include citrus fruits in your diet as drinks or in fruit salads, squeezed on salads for flavor instead of salt. Examples of Citrus fruits include lemon, grapefruit, and sweet orange.

6.Dark chocolate

Flavonoids are found in dark chocolate. Blood pressure can be lowered by flavonoids. It however point out that a person could require more flavonoids in dark chocolate for there to be noticeable advantages.

According to the AHA, eating a small amount of chocolate sometimes can be a part of a balanced diet.

7. Fermented foods

Some of the fermented foods that are high in probiotics are miso, kimchi, and kombucha. Beneficial microorganisms known as probiotics can aid in controlling blood pressure. According to data evaluated in 2020, women who had experienced menopause and consumed fermented foods like soy foods had a lower risk of developing hypertension. For men, though, things were different.

A big risk factor for high blood pressure is sodium, hence experts suggest minimizing salt consumption. A 2017 study, however, found that consumption of salt-fermented vegetables did not increase the risk of high blood pressure despite their high sodium content.

When participants take numerous probiotic bacterial species, routinely for more than eight weeks, and at least 100 billion colony-forming units, the effects of probiotics on blood pressure are more favorable.

8. Flaxseed

One of the finest foods for high blood pressure is flaxseeds. Participants in a research who had peripheral artery disease and high blood pressure consumed 30 grams of milled flaxseed daily. After six months, the systolic and diastolic pressures both decreased by 15 and 7 millimeters of mercury, respectively.

9. Pomegranates

An previous study demonstrates that consuming 1 cup of pomegranate juice every day for 28 days will temporarily lower high blood pressure.

There is proof that eating pomegranate juice lowers blood pressure, according to another study done in 2017. So keep pomegranates on your list of foods to avoid if you have high blood pressure.

Pomegranates can be eaten whole or juiced. Make sure there is no added sugar when buying pomegranate juice in a prepared form.

10. Tomato extract

Antioxidant lycopene is found in tomatoes and may be good for heart health.

According to a research from 2021, people with or without hypertension can considerably lower their systolic blood pressure by consuming tomato extract. Tomatoes, on the other hand, had a different impact on the diet's outcomes.

Lycopene was efficient in lowering systolic blood pressure at high doses. Other researchers found that smaller doses did not provide the same results.


Managing high blood pressure is a multifaceted approach that involves lifestyle modifications, including dietary changes. Incorporating these 10 blood-pressure-friendly foods into your meals can contribute to better cardiovascular health, reduced risk of hypertension-related complications, and an overall improved quality of life. However, it's crucial to remember that individual responses to foods may vary, and no single food can replace medical advice or treatment. Consult with your healthcare provider before making significant dietary changes, especially if you have underlying health conditions or are taking medications. By embracing a balanced diet rich in these heart-healthy foods, you are taking significant steps towards nurturing your heart and fostering optimal well-being.


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